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Lizzo – 2 Be Loved (Am I Ready)

超級舒壓的正能量,跟著 Lizzo學 5 組實用英語


Lizzo 在2019年推出的專輯《Cuz I Love You》中的單曲《Juice》大獲成功後,使她成為當今音樂界的熱門歌手。她的音樂風格涵蓋了說唱、R&B、流行和嘻哈等多種音樂元素。經常使用正面積極的歌詞和曲風鼓舞人心的 Lizzo 這次又帶來怎樣的作品,又有哪些值得學習的英文用法呢?就讓我們繼續看下去吧!

panic attack 恐慌症發作

Girl, I’m ’bout to have a panic attack

  • panic attack 恐慌症發作

恐慌症發作是一種極端的情緒反應,通常被認為是一種焦慮障礙的一種。在恐慌發作中,患者會突然感到恐慌和恐慌,並且可能會出現心臟病發作的症狀,如心跳加速、出汗、恶心和呼吸困難等。這樣的症狀在英文中的正確用法,就是 Have a panic attack.

例句:I had a panic attack when I was stuck in traffic and couldn’t move for hours.


例句:I had a panic attack last night and couldn’t sleep because my heart was racing and I was having difficulty breathing.



it works!  成功了!/很管用!

I did the work, it didn’t work, ah, ah (Mm, mm)

  • It works !  成功了!/很管用!

當一件事情成功了,可以非常簡單地,且強而有力的用兩個字 “ It works!” 表達。

例句:I tried the new recipe for dinner and it turned out great, it works!


例句:I just got my computer fixed and now it’s working again, it’s fantastic, it works!


on the other hand 另一方面

On other hand, I know my worth, ah, ah

  • on the other hand 另一方面

可別以為 on the other hand 是在另一隻手上的意思。經常放在句首,on the other hand    所表示的是「另一方面」的意思。有另一種觀點或看法需要考慮,與之前提到的內容形成對比。它經常被用來介紹一個不同的或反對的想法或意見喔!

例句:On the other hand, I think we should explore other options before making a decision.


例句:On the other hand, I think that we should go out for dinner tonight instead of cooking at home.



fed up with sth 受夠了/厭倦了

You found me, I was fed up with the fantasy

  • be fed up with sth 受夠了/厭倦了

對某事或某人感到厭倦或沮喪。它意味著這個人已經達到了他們的極限,不能再忍受這種情況或個人。以後,除了講 tired of …,不如也試試看使用 fed up with… 吧!

例句:I am fed up with your constant complaining and negative attitude.


例句:I am really fed up with your constant excuses and am no longer willing to put up with them.



clap back 反擊

When I clap back like that, let me know (Let me know)

  • clap back 反擊

clap 如大家所知,是鼓掌或是擊掌的意思。而 clap back 所指的就是以快速和自信的方式回應負面或敵意的評論或批評。它經常涉及到用巧妙或諷刺的反駁來回擊。所以當歌詞中可以看出,Lizzo是非常自信且帥氣的態度,在面對他想反擊的事。

例句:If you say something negative to me, you know I will not tolerate it and will immediately clap back and respond in a way that shows I am not willing to be pushed around.


例句:In response to haters, he clapped back in a thoughtful and mature manner by explaining in a social media post that individuals with mental illnesses can still engage in relationships and date.


All the Best!

以上就是今天想和大家分享的內容啦~ 你都學會了嗎?Lizzo 的歌詞使用了許多和情緒、正能量、反抗有關的用法,建議讀者可以邊聽歌,朗朗上口的同時,也把這些道地的用法熟記在腦海中囉!

如果還想繼續和我們一起「無痛學英文」,歡迎再來 17.5英文寫作教室找我們呦~ See ya!