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The 1975- Part Of The Band

跟著英倫天團,學 5 組實用英語用法


Part of the Band 是 The 1975 於 2022 年 7月發行的新歌。它是他們新專輯 Being Funny in a Foreign Language 的第一首單曲。這首歌的歌詞有些神秘,可能會引起許多疑問,但都是主唱 Matty Healy 對於成名、生命、自我認同⋯⋯等議題的看法,其實是可以細細咀嚼,和實際發生的事件作連結的歌詞。就讓我們看看近幾年十分熱門的英國流行搖滾團體The 1975 ,又帶來怎樣的好歌,其中又有多少值得學習的實用英語吧!

Verbal propellant 促進某些事物的言辭

I was living my best life, living with my parents

Way before the paying penance and verbal propellants

  • Verbal propellant 促進某些事物的言辭

Verbal propellants 指的是用於推動或促進某些事物的言辭或語言。它們可能是用來提高某種議題的關注度,或者是用來鼓勵、激勵、勉勵某些人去做某件事。這些言辭或語言可能是由演講者、作家或其他人使用,並且可能包括演說、辯論、演講、發言等。

例句:The environmental activist used powerful verbal propellants in her speech to raise awareness about the need for sustainability and conservation.


例句:Emma’s eloquent use of verbal propellants in her article about climate change inspired readers to take action and make a difference.


Coming off the hinges 變得不穩定或崩潰

So many cringes in the heroin binges

I was coming off the hinges, living on the fringes

  • Coming off the hinges  變得不穩定或崩潰

Coming off the hinges 意思是變得不穩定或崩潰。這個短語可能指的是某件事物本身出現故障或失靈,也可能指的是某個人變得焦躁不安或身心崩潰。例如,如果你的車子從軸承上脫落,你可能會說它「coming off the hinges」;或者,如果你在工作壓力下過度疲勞,你可能會感覺自己「coming off the hinges」。

例句:After weeks of nonstop work and no time for self-care, Stefani felt like she was coming off the hinges emotionally and mentally.

經過幾週不間斷的工作,沒有時間進行自我護理,Stefani 感覺自己在情感和精神上都快崩潰了。

例句:I felt like my heart was coming off the hinges as I tried to process the news of my breakup and come to terms with the end of my relationship.


On the fringes 在邊緣

So many cringes in the heroin binges

I was coming off the hinges, living on the fringes

  • On the fringes 在邊緣

On the fringes 指的是某些東西或某個地方的邊緣或外圍。這個短語可以用來描述某種事物的位置,也可以用來指某種事物的性質。例如,如果你在某個群體的外圍,你可能會說你是「on the fringes」;或者,如果某件事物的性質與主流相差甚遠,你可能會說它是「on the fringes」。

例句:On the fringes of town, there was a small, dilapidated trailer park where only the most impoverished residents lived.


例句:As an introverted and socially anxious person, I often felt like I was on the fringes of society, unable to fully fit in or feel like I belonged.


Lookalike 長得非常像另一個人的人

Eating stuff off of motorbikes

Cumming to her lookalikes

  • Lookalike 長得非常像另一個人的人

Lookalikes 指的是長得非常像另一個人的人。這個短語通常指的是外表相似的人,例如同一個家族的成員或者長得很像某位名人的人。但是,也可以指的是因為服裝或造型而看起來很像另一個人的人。

例句:My boyfriend and his twin brother are total lookalikes – even their friends and family have a hard time telling them apart.


例句:Sheri became an overnight sensation because she was a lookalike of the popular K-pop idol Jang Wong-Young and people couldn’t get enough of her.
Sheri 因為長得像一位當紅 K-pop 偶像張員瑛而一夜成名,人們對她簡直癡迷。

Diamond in the rough 潛在的寶物

A diamond in the rough begets

The diamond with a scruff you get

  • Diamond in the rough 潛在的寶物

A diamond in the rough 意思是潛在的、未發掘的寶貝。這個短語通常用來形容某人或某件事物的潛力或潛在的價值。例如,如果某人在表面上看起來平凡或不起眼,但是實際上具有很多潛力或才能,你可能會說他是「a diamond in the rough」。或者,如果某件事物看起來粗糙或未完成,但是實際上有很大的價值或潛力,你可能會說它是「a diamond in the rough」。

例句:Although he was discovered singing in a small coffee shop, he turned out to be a diamond in the rough and quickly rose to fame with his raw talent and unique style.


例句:Although she was unknown and had never exhibited her work publicly, she was a diamond in the rough and her paintings were eventually recognized as masterpieces.


All the Best!

以上就是今天想和大家分享的內容啦~ 你都學會了嗎?總而言之,Part of the Band 是一首私密又充滿感情的歌曲,透過解讀歌詞,我們也可以看到 Matty Healy 對於成名、生命、自我認同等議題的看法。在學習英文的過程中,透過和實際發生的事件作連結,我們可以更好地理解這首歌,並從中學習許多實用的英語用法。希望在這個「無痛學英文」的單元裡,大家都能用一顆輕鬆、樂學的心,以活潑、無壓力的方式學習英文。

 如果還想繼續和我們一起「無痛學英文」,歡迎再來 17.5英文寫作教室找我們呦~ See ya!