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Harry Styles – Satellite

跟著英國流行男神,學 5 組實用英語用法
Harry Styles 的第三張專輯《Harry’s House》中收錄了許多精彩的歌曲,其中這首《Satellite》雖然不如其他主打曲有很高的知名度,卻十分引人入勝。這首歌簡單而動人,用詞精煉地描述了一個人在無助的狀態中所感受到的過往的感情和無盡的盼望。也是小編我個人非常喜愛的一首曲子喔~就讓我們一起看看,要如何運用簡單的用法,刻畫出深情的獨白吧!
Someone gets a new life 某人有新生活
You got a new life
- Someone gets a new life 某人有新生活

“You got a new life” 表示某人已經開始了新的生活階段或者新的人生篇章,通常意味著有重大的改變或者是重新開始。
作為歌曲的開頭,Harry 明確地唱出這句簡單的話語,卻也充滿意義。對方已經開啟新的生命篇章,這是個不變的事實,他卻還在原地打轉。
例句:After years of being unhappy in his marriage, John finally decided to leave his wife and start over. He got a new life, and he’s never looked back.
例句:After suffering years of abuse at the hands of her alcoholic father, Sarah finally mustered up the courage to run away. She got a new life, and she’s determined to never let anyone control her again.
Am I bothering you 有打擾你嗎?

Am I bothering you?,
Do you wanna talk?,
- Am I bothering you? 有打擾你嗎?
“Am I bothering you?” 是一種禮貌的方式,用來問你正在談話中的人是否被你的出現或者行為擾亂。這句話常常用在你不確定對方是否希望與你交流或者是否接受你的邀請時。它是一種很好的方式,可以減少不必要的矛盾或者尷尬,並且讓對方感受到你的尊重。
延續上一句歌詞,這邊 Harry 以一種低姿態的方式去假設自己在詢問一個過去的情人。用這句話表現出他內心的不安:害怕被拒絕,以及因為膽怯而選擇保持距離。
例句:As I approached the woman on the street corner, I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. I took a deep breath and tried to sound friendly as I asked, ‘Excuse me, am I bothering you? I couldn’t help but notice that you’re carrying a map and it looks like you might be lost. Do you need any help finding your way?
例句:I felt like my heart was coming off the hinges as I tried to process the news of my breakup and come to terms with the end of my relationship.
go round and round 在邊緣

I go round and round,
- go round and round 在邊緣
“I go round and round, Satellite,” – 這句話中的 “go round and round” 意思是重複同一個動作或在圓形軌道上移動。衛星是圍繞著行星或其他天體運行的物體。在這種情况下,歌詞可以被解釋為 Harry 感覺自己不斷重複同一個動作,無法擺脫過去的自己和過去的這段關係。
例句:I can’t stop going round and round in my head, trying to figure out how to solve this problem.
例句:As I sat in the waiting room, I watched the clock go round and round, feeling more and more anxious with each passing minute.
I’m in a … mood. 我的心情很⋯⋯

I’m in an LA Mood,
I don’t wanna talk to you,
- I’m in a … mood. 我的心情很⋯⋯
“I’m in an LA Mood” – “LA” 是加州的洛杉磯市的縮寫。「心情很洛杉磯」 可能指講者感覺某種方式或與洛杉磯市有關的心態。在這種情况下,它可能意味著講者感覺放鬆或放鬆。
例句:I had been looking forward to visiting that store all week, and now that it’s closed, I’m in a terrible mood. It’s just not my day.
例句:I can’t help but feel absolutely delighted and content, because I’m in love. It’s like everything in the world is going my way. I’m in such a good mood.
Give me a day or two 給我一兩天的時間

She said “Give me a day or two”
- Give me a day or two 給我一兩天的時間
“Give me a day or two” 意思是請給我一兩天的時間。這句話常常用於某人需要更多時間來做某事,或者需要更多時間來做出決定或回答某個問題。
“Can you give me a couple of days to think it over?”
“I just need a day or two to finish this project.”
“Can you hold off on making a decision for a day or two? I need some more time to gather information.”
“Give me a day or two to sort out my schedule and I’ll let you know if I can make it to the meeting.”
例句:I’m honored to be offered the position and am definitely interested in joining the team. Could you give me a day or two to think it over and discuss it with my family before making a final decision?
例句:I really appreciate your asking me out on a date. I’m flattered and would love to spend some time with you. Can you give me a day or two to check my schedule and make sure I can clear my calendar before we make any concrete plans?
All the Best!
以上就是今天想和大家分享的內容啦~ 你都學會了嗎?看到這裡,也聽完整首曲子後,是否也覺得這首歌非常深情呢?又讓你想起了誰嗎?
非常建議看到這裡的你,也能試著將自己的情緒用以上的方式表達、甚至是練習造句。雖然用詞都相對簡單,卻能有很深刻的意涵,也很能傳遞那種赤裸的情感喔! 如果還想繼續和我們一起「無痛學英文」,歡迎再來 17.5英文寫作教室找我們呦~ See ya!