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Taylor Swift – Ivy

H2: 一窺創作女神如詩一般的歌詞創作
Taylor Swift 一向很擅長用歌詞,鮮明地描繪出畫面,讓聽者可以如同身歷其境一般,體會歌詞的涵義。這首收錄在 Evermore 專輯中的曲子,更是以充滿詩意筆法,並結合許多隱喻,譜寫出一段淒美的戀情。就讓我們來看看 Taylor 在歌詞中,巧妙佈局了哪些英文用法吧!
bring forth sth 帶來⋯;產生⋯
Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow
Tarnished but so grand
- bring forth sth 帶來⋯;產生⋯
bring 除了單獨使用就代表「帶來」的意思之外,也可以搭配 forth 一起使用,意思是帶來某種效果,或是產生、產出某種成果的意思。
例句:After trying for over 10 years, Jack finally managed to bring forth a product that he is proud of.
經過十年多的努力, Jack 終於成功地產出了一項令他自豪的產品。
例句:As soon as Megan’s story was published on the internet, it brought forth a flood of supportive comments and messages of support.
在網路上發表後,Megan 的故事帶來了大量的支持性評論。
小柒來補充:Bring it on ! / bring about
bring about
grieve for 哀悼
But I don’t, I just sit here and wait
Grieving for the living
- grieve for 哀悼
grieve 作為名詞使用,就是傷痛的意思。當作動詞時,通常會搭配 for 或是 over,來代表哀悼某人或是某件事。
例句:Almost a year has passed since the death of his beloved wife, and he still struggles with it every day, grieving for her.
例句:As a lonely person, he has grieved for his dog quite a while since his dog passed away.
long to 渴望
I wish to know
The fatal flaw that makes you long to be
Magnificently cursed
- long to (do sth) / long for sth 渴望
long 除了作為形容詞,形容長度或是時間以外,動詞的用法也是非常實用的!在這裏,long 代表渴望的意思,意指強烈對於一件事或一個人的渴望,多少也帶有一點宿命感,最常用於一個人對於愛情的渴望。
例句:After the first date, Sheri couldn’t stop talking about the boy she met on Tinder, longing to have the next date with him.
第一次約會後,Sheri 無法停止談論她在Tinder上遇到的那個男孩,渴望與他進行下一次約會。
例句:My little sister is a huge K-drama fan. She is always dreaming about a perfect boyfriend and longing for a romantic relationship.
我妹妹是個超級韓劇迷。 她一直夢想著有一個完美的男朋友,並渴望一段浪漫的感情。
in the palm of your hand 完全掌握
Oh, goddamn
My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand
- in the palm of your hand 完全掌握
在這段歌詞中,Taylor在原始的 in the palm of your hand 中又加入 freezing,算是活用了一個諺語,加入了自己對於故事情境所需求的畫面。
Palm 所指的就是手掌心,因此,當某件事完全在某人的手掌心,意思就是握有完全的掌控權,完全的被控制/收服了。
例句:Taylor Swift just finished her U.S tour. The audience was fascinated by her performance – She had them in the palm of her hand.
Taylor Swift 剛剛結束她的美國巡演。觀眾被她的表演迷住了–她完全收服了他們。
Karen was aware of all the shameful secrets of her boss. It was as if he was in the palm of her hand.
Karen 知道她的老闆所有可恥的秘密。彷彿他就在她的手掌心上。
All the Best!
以上就是今天想和大家分享的內容啦~ 你都學會了嗎?仔細品味這首歌,便能發現,很多寫法都是用很優美柔情的方式去書寫,來呼應這首清新又帶點憂傷的歌曲。除了有很多進階的詞彙,也運用了不少漂亮的句型,值得細品喔!
如果還想繼續和我們一起「無痛學英文」,歡迎再來 17.5英文寫作教室找我們呦~ See ya!