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Steve Lacy – Bad Habit

邊 Chill 邊學 5 組實用英語


多項入圍今年葛萊美獎的 Steve Lacy 因獨特而多變的吉他演奏風格而聞名,並因他譜寫出誘人的旋律而受到讚揚。他已經發行了幾張EP和專輯,並與眾多藝術家合作,包括Kendrick Lamar、Tyler the Creator 和 Vampire Weekend。

這首 Bad Habit 講的就是自己的壞習慣,和他在感情中害羞的樣子,似乎有著異曲同工之處。歌詞非常可愛也十分有趣。就讓我們一起來聽聽音樂,無痛學英文吧!

make a move 出手/行動

What you, ooh, uh, what you do?

Made a move, coulda made a move

  • make a move 出手/行動

Make a move 是指採取行動或下一步計劃。通常用來表示某人要開始做某事,或者準備採取行動來改變目前的局面。


“It’s your turn to make a move in the game.”

“Are you ready to make a move in your career?”

在棋盤遊戲中, make a move 意味著下一步棋。在工作或事業中, make a move 可能指準備換工作或採取其他措施來提升自己的職業生涯。

例句:We’ve been waiting for the right moment to make a move and expand our business into new markets.


例句:I can’t believe he finally made a move and asked her out on a date.


bite sb’s tongue  強迫不說話或不發表意見

I bite my tongue, it’s a bad habit

  • Bite sb’s tongue  強迫不說話或不發表意見

Bite sb’s tongue 並不是真的指咬到舌頭的意思,而是指強迫不說話或不發表意見,通常是為了避免發生衝突或麻煩。


“I wanted to tell him off, but I had to bite my tongue to avoid making the situation worse.”

“She was about to say something rude, but she bit her tongue just in time.”


例句:I knew she was wrong, but I didn’t want to start an argument, so I bit my tongue.


例句:She was tempted to interrupt, but she bit her tongue and let him finish speaking.


take/ make/ have a stab at sth 試圖

Kinda mad that I didn’t take a stab at it

  • ake/ make/ have a stab at sth 試圖

Have a stab at sth 意思是試圖做某事,盡力去做。這個短語通常用來表示某人試圖去做一件事,即使他/她不確定能否完成。


“I don’t know how to do this, but I’ll have a stab at it.”

“I’ve never cooked this dish before, but I’ll have a stab at it and see what happens.”

在這個短語中, have a stab 是一種試圖去做某事的方式。例如,如果你不會做某道菜,但願意試著去做,你可以說 “I’ll have a stab at making this dish.” 這個短語也可以用來表示試圖去解決問題或完成任務。

總的來說, have a stab at sth 表示試圖去做某事,盡力去完成。

例句:I don’t know how to fix this, but I’ll have a stab at it.


例句:We don’t have a plan, but let’s have a stab at solving this problem.


Things happen for a reason 事情都有它存在的理由和目的

It’s okay, things happen for

Reasons that I think are sure, yeah

  • Things happen for a reason 事情都有它存在的理由和目的

Things happen for a reason 是一種宿命論的思想,認為所有事情都有它存在的理由和目的。這種說法通常用來安慰某人,表示某件事情發生了是因為它有它的原因。


“I know you’re upset about what happened, but try to remember that things happen for a reason.”

“I know it doesn’t make sense right now, but trust me, things happen for a reason.”


例句:I know it’s hard to believe right now, but everything happens for a reason. You’ll understand it eventually.


例句:I know you’re going through a tough time, but remember that things happen for a reason. This will make you stronger in the end.


make a pass at sth / sb 嘗試/勾引

Would you mind if I tried to make a pass at it?

  • make a pass at sth / sb 嘗試/勾引

make a pass at sth / sb 是指嘗試完成某事,通常是以大膽或自信的方式。它也可以指試圖與某人調情或勾引某人,端看使用的語境如何。在這裏 Steve更像是在試探對方,試圖和這個人調情喔!

例句:I’m going to make a pass at that new project my boss assigned to me, even though I’m not sure I have the skills to do it.


例句:She was making a pass at him all night, but he wasn’t interested.


All the Best!

以上就是今天想和大家分享的內容啦~ 你都學會了嗎?是不是也覺得這首歌很可愛,又很令人上癮呢!以上精選的五種用法,都是在口語中很常見,且能讓對話更為生動的用法。就讓我們聽著這麼 chill的音樂的同時,把他們記下來吧!

 如果還想繼續和我們一起「無痛學英文」,歡迎再來 17.5英文寫作教室找我們呦~ See ya!