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學測英文作文 | 英文作文5種用來下結論的說法

It can be seen that 可以看出
It is plain to see that 顯而易見
It is apparent to anyone who looks that 任何人看了都會發現
The data indicates that 該數據表明
The facts show that 事實證明
It can be seen that the number of people using public transportation has increased significantly in recent years. This is likely due to the rising cost of gasoline and the growing awareness of the environmental benefits of using public transportation. It is apparent to anyone who looks that this trend is likely to continue, as more and more cities are investing in public transportation infrastructure and encouraging people to use it. The data indicates that this shift towards public transportation is having a positive impact on air quality and traffic congestion in cities. Overall, it seems that the trend towards using public transportation is a positive development that will likely have lasting benefits.
上述表述都指出了某個事實或結論,並且表明這個事實或結論是明顯的或是具有可靠的證據。例如,”It can be seen that” 表明觀察到的結果是明顯的,”It is plain to see that” 表明事實是明顯的,”It is apparent to anyone who looks that” 表明事實是明顯的,”The data indicates that” 表明結論是基於可靠的數據,”The facts show that” 表明結論是基於事實的。

In conclusion, / To conclude, 總之
In summary, / To sum up, 總而言之
Ultimately, 歸根到底
In a nutshell, 簡而言之
All things considered, 總的說來
Ultimately, the new policy has had a positive impact on the company. In a nutshell, the policy has increased productivity, reduced costs, and improved employee satisfaction. In summary, the implementation of the policy has been a success and has contributed to the overall success of the company. These positive results have been confirmed by data and observations, and there is no doubt that the policy has had a positive impact. Overall, it is clear that the new policy was a good decision.
上述都是表達得出結論或整體結論的方式。它們可以用來概括或重述討論或演講的主要觀點或論點,並且通常表示作者對特定主題的想法已經結束。”Ultimately” 和 “In a nutshell” 傳達的是得出最終或最終結論的想法,而 “All things considered” 表示在得出結論時已經考慮了所有相關因素或觀點。這些短語可用來強調所提出的結論的重要性或可靠性。

On the whole, 整體來說
Overall, 總的來說
All in all, 總而言之
Taking everything into account, 考慮到一切因素
In the grand scheme of things, 整體上來看
On the whole, the new marketing campaign has been successful in increasing brand awareness and driving sales. Taking everything into account, it is clear that the campaign’s use of social media and targeted advertising has been effective in reaching the desired audience. Overall, the results of the campaign have exceeded expectations and have contributed to the company’s bottom line. These positive outcomes have been confirmed by data and feedback from customers, and it is evident that the campaign was a well-planned and successful initiative.
總的來看,新的營銷活動在提高品牌知名度和推動銷售方面取得了成功。把所有因素考慮在內後,很明顯社交媒體上的活動和有目標的廣告對吸引群眾上是有效的。整體來看, 活動的結果超出了預期,並對公司的總收入作出了貢獻。這些正向的結果已經得到了數據和客戶反饋的確認, 此活動很明顯是經過精心計劃且成功的新企劃。

The bottom line is that 最後的結論是
In the final analysis, 歸根結底,
The takeaway is that 要點是
When all is said and done, 歸根到底,
The crux of the matter is that 問題的關鍵在於
The crux of the matter is that our team needs to improve its communication if we want to achieve our goals. When all is said and done, it’s clear that the lack of clear and effective communication has been holding us back. The bottom line is that we need to make an effort to understand each other’s perspective and make sure that everyone is on the same page. Only then will we be able to work together effectively and achieve the success we desire.

Thanks for reading. Catch you later!
以上就是今天想和大家分享的內容啦~大家都記住了嗎?通過了解不同用來做為作文結尾的說法與片語後,我們就能讓作文的結尾更加生動,不再會因為重複使用相同的說法結尾而變得死板無趣啦!如果還想繼續和我們「 17提升作文力 」,歡迎再來 17.5 英文寫作教室找我們呦~Salut, tout le monde!